Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our Second Concern: Volunteerism

Many of you have probably volunteered sometime, somewhere, whether it was cleaning up the local highway or caring for companion animals at the local animal shelter. If you have, then you probably know that volunteering works-- for the individuals being served, for the volunteers themselves, and for the community where volunteering occurs. According to the Dept. of Health and Human Services, over 45 million Americans volunteer, or one out of every six Americans. A pretty impressive number, but can we do better?

I think we can. Which is why Our Second Concern is Volunteerism, from around the corner to around the world. And thanks to your suggestions, here are some groups that will help you do just that:

1) International Student Volunteers, Inc. For the students out there, this program offers volunteer/adventure trips to everywhere from Australia to Costa Rica on everything from conservation to construction.

2) i-to-i. The i-to-i program offers international volunteer trips for all ages, teaching and job opportunities abroad, as well as "meaningful vacations" that combine service with seclusion.

3) Global Volunteers offers combined volunteer/vacation opportunities in 19 countries, as well as volunteer opportunities in several U.S. locales on a variety of topics.

You may notice that most volunteer opportunities, particularly ones that involve travel, include significant fees and financial cost to the volunteer. But don't let this discourage you. Many universities offer scholarships for students to travel, and you can still volunteer closer to home to spare your checkbook.

Now comes your part: Visit the websites above and Tell us which concerns YOU volunteer for and how we can all help.


petergioello said...

One thing I find interesting is that everyone says, what the hell can I do? How can I make a difference? My efforts are not going to help. Volunteering is the perfect remedy because it plants a seed in others to want to volunteer. It shows the community and the people you are helping that there is good in the community and life worth living for, when all seems hopeless. When you volunteer, your family and friends all see this and might donate money or time to the specific charity because of their support for you. It would be interesting to see society if every American donated one hour per week doing something they enjoy.

Bridgette said...

Whenever you are feeling down or going through issues - the best remedy is to help someone else in need, it really puts things into perspective. Be conscious about how you present yourself to your fellow man. Smile at people, validate their existence.

Even if formally volunteering or committing to a project is something you are not able to do, "Pay it [kindness] forward" in your daily life.

At State, my favorite volunteer program was Alternative Spring Break, I'm pretty sure most colleges may have similar programs.

If you do volunteer and don't like it, don't fret! Try something else. One of my advisors once said, "there is a type of service that clicks with everyone's spirit".

Anonymous said...

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