Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Brief Hiatus

Dear Readers:

In just three months, Our Common Concern has welcomed hundreds of visitors to its site, hosted six great guest blogs, and highlighted Eleven Concerns on everything from companion animals in disasters to global warming.

This is quite an accomplishment indeed, especially for a brand new site like ours. But really, it's your accomplishment, not mine or anyone else's. It's you who read, posted, and commented every week. And it's you who took action for change.

I think three months is a great time to pause for reflection and to plan for what's next. Which is why, starting this week, I'll be taking a short hiatus from the blog.

But in the meantime, I'm asking you to send your thoughts on the site so far. What works, and what doesn't? What needs changing? Send in your thoughts today, or volunteer to guest post.

On behalf of all the guest bloggers and readers, thanks for sharing Our Common Concern. See you soon.

Best wishes -

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